Think you can help?
You'll find here all the pictures for which we were unable to find the D.U.C.K dedication.
For all we know, this could be because the dedication was removed due to inking, coloring or other printing constraints.
Or it might be super hard to find in a low-quality scan.
Or it might be super obvious to you!
But if you're willing to search, and you get lucky, drop me an email at and I'll update those pages! (I'm also interested if you have higher resolution scans)
Happy hunting!
(would you rather see all the images?)
Attack Of The Hideous Space-Varmints!

Fiscal Fitness

Forget Me Not

Give Unto Others

His Majesty McDuck

Last Sled to Dawson

Leaky Luck

Mythological Menagerie

On A Silver Platter

On Stolen Time

Return To Plain Awful

Return To Xanadu

Rocket Reverie

The Duck Who Fell To Earth

The Duck Who Never Was

The Guardians of the Lost Library

The Quest for Kalevala

The Son Of The Sun

The Treasury Of Croesus

The Universal Solvent

Treasure Under Glass

Well-Educated Duck

This site is an uncommercial fanpage.
Comic images available from these pages are © The Walt Disney Company. They are provided for purposes of study and reference only. Disney's copyright is acknowledged and respected. Nothing shown in these pages is meant as a Copyright Infringement.